Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's all in my head

Haven’t seen anything new on my blog site for months? The problem isn’t that I don’t have anything to say about a current event or haven’t remembered an interesting bit from my childhood. Indeed I have a huge file of ideas, each on a Post-It or scrap of paper (I haven’t figured out how to organize them yet.). And every morning as I drink my first and sometimes even my second cup of coffee, I welcome random thoughts to drift into my consciousness and bring me more ideas to ponder. (An aside: I thought that I was unusual, being someone who would gaze out the window, not really focusing on the garden or the lake, but letting my mind freefall, until I recently read everyone spends half of their awake hours daydreaming.) So, again, my problem isn’t a lack of something to explore, it’s that I write everything in my head and not on the computer. I just never quite get there.

Yes, I want to write and even feel a need to write but don’t start my day at the computer.  It’s similar to my wanting to exercise and knowing that I should exercise but never quite making it to the treadmill.  And, let’s see. . . I want to sort through all of my recipes. . . I want to make more entries in my art journal. . . I’d like to gather the family to make soup and cookies for the homeless. . . I’d like to organize my closets. . . and so on.  But it’s difficult to do these things when what I really feel like is hibernating.

Hibernating just seems so natural during winter. I can stay in my comfy PJs (the favorites being the red flannel with the penguins or the light blue cotton with the moon and stars) in the king-sized bed with its eight pillows and down comforter and read, daydream, or watch movies. Zoe (our 12-year-old,10-pound Yorkie) loves to hibernate too. Bob, not so much. His computer sends out a siren song that he is unable to resist. But I guess the time to arise has come.

Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow, so an early spring is on its way, and I have a lot to do. I’ve started my Lenten devotion and have organized all the bathroom cabinets (out with the 2008 medications). Now it’s time to get to some serious cleaning -- wading through the big storage closets downstairs, washing all the kitchen cabinets, cleaning all the glass on the pictures. You know the drill. And, yes, its time to start sharing some of my stories and recommending some of the great memoirs I’ve read.

Stay tuned. This bear has emerged from her den. I’m back.