Thursday, March 10, 2011

What is fasting in God's eyes?

One Lent, a friend gave up desserts, but she collected all of them that were offered to her and stuck them in the freezer to eat after Easter.  Is this God's idea of fasting? 

Isaiah 58 describes the true fasting that our Lord asks of us (paraphrased):
     -- loose the chains of injustice and set the oppressed free,
     -- share your food with the hungry,
     -- provide shelter for those without,
     -- clothe the naked,
     -- not turn away from your own flesh and blood,
     -- do away with malicious talk.

Eat dessert.  Drink soda pop.  Chew gum.  Watch TV and play computer games. 

The journey of Lent is a time for transformation, so instead of giving up something that may be a menial sacrifice... 

Let's wrap ourselves in compassion and reach out to others to satisfy their physical needs as well as their needs to feel hope and love. 

Let's share the Good News by showing the love of our Savior through our actions and through every interaction with another. 

Let's  live the words of Micah 6:8:  Act justly, love mercy, and walk with God.

And the people all said, "Amen."

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