Monday, January 9, 2012


 Is yoga supposed to be an aerobic activity?  The advertisement mentioned breathing and poses and went on to say that “Hatha yoga practice is designed to rejuvenate the spirit, invigorate the mind, strengthen the body, and open the heart.”  H-m-m-m, sounded beneficial and doable.

It was amazing how many people showed up for this yoga opportunity.  It was a good deal.  You paid what you could afford ($5.00 suggested), and each month the money is earmarked for a charity.  January’s is allocated to the Crisis Nursery.  The room was more than half-full when my friend and I arrived.  There were men and women, most in the 30-50 age range.  The older guy behind me looked like a Harley Hog rider complete with tattoo.  He probably thought I looked like Miss Piggy.

As “virgins” we were without yoga paraphernalia, and our instructor, Steve, led us to the community supplies--mat, blocks, and rug.  On the ride over I had told my friend to wake me up if I fell asleep, as  I was anticipating a lot of deep breathing and mediation while lying on a mat.  My sole prior yoga experience consisted of doing the sun salutation along with Jane Fonda (VHS 1994--her braid is priceless).   I was in for a surprise.  Steve had run through all of my Jane Fonda moves in a half-hour, and there was still an hour of instruction to go.  And what was with that Hara Krishna music in the background?

In the beginning, I was amazed that I was still as flexible as I am since I haven’t been doing  much in that area.  However, some of the poses we tried later on I hadn’t done since ballet class in grade school!  In my wildest dreams I can’t imagine doing the crow or crane (I’m scared of birds anyway) or ending the session with an inversion pose.  Not going to do a headstand.  No.  Instead, I ended the class on my back with my legs outstretched up on the wall.  The stereo was sending out sounds of the ocean, and I had on a soothing aromatherapy eye pillow.  After a while my respiration and heart beat retreated from the red area, and finally I was truly relaxed.  Stress free.  Ready for the week to come.

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