Monday, December 30, 2013

Our "bubble" and the good news - Day +97

Bob's days in the "bubble" will soon come to an end, although with flu season going strong, I'm sure he'll still take precautions and keep his hand sanitizer near at hand. His physician suggested that he continue to stay away from children and wear a mask in an airport and on an airplane. He has yet to begin his "baby shots," but he should receive a schedule soon. It's a lot of waiting.

I had hoped that this "bubble" would be like a snow globe with us sitting happily by the fire sipping hot cocoa and playing Bananagrams. But it hasn't been like that. Bob's continued neuropathy in his feet and legs more often keeps him snuggled in bed watching BBC movies and TV series. Pain medication gives him some relief for a couple of hours when his feet feel weird rather than painful, but as the day fades, his discomfort increases. He also continues to be cold, and often wears his cap and scarf around the house. We're waiting for time to heal.

The great news is that his blood test results in early December were all normal. He's not anemic, his kidney function is outstanding, and his white blood cells, platelets, calcium and proteins are all normal.
Normal. The answer to a lot of prayers of many people waiting to find out.

Next week Bob will have a bone marrow biopsy and talk with his specialist about low dose maintenance chemotherapy. The hope is for a long, very long, remission. We're eagerly waiting for this good news.

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