Sunday, January 26, 2014

Life in a bubble

 It’s a milestone we’d been anticipating - on January 2nd, Bob reached +100 days since transplant. Originally we thought we’d begin living a more social life after that time, but instead we’re still living in the bubble for a couple of reasons.  First, we find ourselves in the middle of flu season, and second, Bob hasn’t been able to start his “baby shots” to begin rebuilding his immunity. The good news is that to date neither of us has become ill.

Bob’s progress has been subtle, and sometimes it’s difficult to recognize, but I just need to remember the days soon after we returned home, and I can see how much better he is. He is less fatigued but still enjoys a good nap some days. His walking is steadier even though he hasn’t experienced much change in the painful neuropathy he suffers in his legs and feet. (The neurologist expects this to resolve but couldn’t give Bob a possible timeline.) He never lost all of his hair, but when it began looking mangy, I trimmed it to a fairly uneven ¼-inch. This past week, I actually gave him a haircut. Yes, things are definitely better.

Our lives have really been quiet this winter. For the most part the only people who stop by are neighbors and local family, all healthy! Bob’s neuropathy is best in the morning and increases as the day goes on. Before or after dinner, he climbs into bed to get his legs elevated. We have spent a lot of time in our bedroom watching films and BBC TV series on Netflix and Hulu. How we continue to miss our Zoe who so loved to be with us in the “big bed.” When Bob rests, I stay by his side reading books and magazines. He doesn’t need me there, but I want to be with him and know that if circumstances were reversed, I would be lonely if he wasn’t with me. We have a good time whenever we’re together, and this has been no different. One disappointment has been the little opportunity and energy we've had to maintain our relationships with family and friends. Visits and even phone calls have been exhausting to Bob. I haven't lunched with friends or shopped in an attempt to stay healthy. I didn't even make it to the mall during the holiday season. Also, the To Do List has increased to three notebook pages. I try to not let it bother me, but I still feel guilty if I don’t achieve something each day - guilt is a close friend of mine.

We’ve been on our own deserted island this fall and winter and are looking forward to more “normal” times ahead. We're thankful for Bob's continued progress and the thoughts and prayers of so many.

1 comment:

  1. God has His timings and reasons. I found that when I broke my foot and my 'desert island' time, there was a peace about the quiet and found things noisy and unsettling when I went out at first. Could hardly stand any Christmas shopping this year. May you draw near to God in this desert time and know He is with you both! Blessings - Mary Jo
