Thursday, March 12, 2015


Thank goodness one of Evelyn’s relatives posted on Evelyn's Facebook page a lovely photo along with the sad news that she had progressed to glory. Grief once again fell over me like a cloak, and I know her passing left those whom she had touched with this same sadness. I shared the news that day with another of her writing/spiritual sisters at our weekly meeting. We both said that one of our first thoughts was of this psalm revision that Evelyn had volunteered to read at our spiritual writing retreat. I can see and hear her now and want to pass it along.

Evelyn Hale

The Lord guides me past my wants to my needs.
The Lord wants me to rest in good places;
The Lord wants me to have the advantage of peace and joy;
Even the dark valley of illness and recovery becomes a
familiar place because God is already there;
Comfort is mine for the asking.
The Lord prepares for my arrival and the enemies of
forgetfulness and weariness cannot take away the blessing.
The Lord soothes my aching body and surely blessings spill out all over.
The Lord provides goodness and mercy
everyday of my life in sickness or in health.
As I have in the past, I will continue to live in God’s house.
The Lord provides my shelter and all is well with my spirit.
It is well with my soul.
                                        June 11, 2007

Published in TAPESTRY THREADS Weaving Our Sacred Stories
Dorothy Logan Sallee and Friends

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