Saturday, January 22, 2011

Each day--a day of happiness

Do you keep a gratitude journal? I have done it periodically--writing down three to five things each day for which I am grateful. It’s almost an extension of the night routine my father set up for me when I was a child. After being tucked into bed, he would ask, “What was your most fun thing today?” It made me review my day and left me with a happy thought as I dropped off to sleep.

Fun, happy, grateful? These emotions are closely linked, and, for me, it might be a chicken and egg dilemma. Am I happy because I am grateful? Or, am I grateful because I am happy? Any thoughts?

As mentioned before, I received the very best calendars this Christmas. Each has a different focus and is enriching my life. My cousin gave me a Page-a-Day calendar--360,000 things to make you happy (or some similar title). Each day is a yellow sunburst with the date and ten happy things. Here are some of the entries:

--choosing the most rewarding path
--rushes of emotion triggered by a song on the radio
--what you truly believe in
--sledding with friends
--a good example
--soft flames hissing in the fireplace
--getting a bonus game
--watching cats watching birds
--the miracle of spontaneous eloquence
--sacred space
--perpetuating kindness
--muscles worked hard
--a doggie bag
--watching the days grow longer
--the scent of orange blossoms
--used book scavenging
--rooms with high ceilings

Reading ten new entries each morning--having so many favorite things brought to mind--starts my day with a joyous attitude. I feel grateful and happy. Thank you, Jean.

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