Monday, January 3, 2011

Forming bonds

“Beth at Bat?”  What does it mean?  I’m stepping up to the plate to share my views on life in this postmodern time.  I want to stimulate thought.  I want to stimulate action.  I want us to be present.  Come along!
In his recent editorial, Trust is fundamental to reviving, rebuilding our state, Mike Lawrence said, “[State leaders] must stop selling bonds, and start forming them.”

Forming bonds.  This is the key to our success.  In all ways, we (Democrats and Republicans, Americans and Africans, men and women, our neighbors and ourselves) are more alike than different, and it is time for us to focus on those commonalities, to look at common goals.

Sustenance is a good beginning.  All human beings should have available to them the elements to sustain life: food, housing--including a clean environment in which to live, education, jobs/a purpose, health care, care in old age or disability, safety, and hope.  As we rebound from this recession, let’s fund programs that meet these goals first.  If there isn’t enough money, raise taxes.  If there are additional monies, fund secondary goals: the arts, transportation, and so on.

Let’s face our debt.  Let’s fund promises that have been made, such as retirement for teachers and state workers.  Let’s pay down our debt.  And, then, let’s live within our means.  Let’s make this commitment to each other.

If there were two major shifts in how our government operates, I think we could have a more effective and efficient government--at the state and federal level--and a stronger economy.

The first is term limits.  Running for office shouldn’t be an occupation.  Too many decisions are made by legislators not for the common good but in response to lobbyists whose bosses control vast funds available for campaign coffers.  Face it, big business controls our government, no matter which party is in power.  A time, a term, of service to their country and its people, that should be the motivator for those who run for office.  It’s a sabbatical from their careers.

The second is a flat tax (above some designated bottom) for individuals/families,  companies, and imports.  Tax is the cost of being an American or of living in America; it’s the cost of doing business in this country.  There are no more breaks for those who borrow money, even if it is to buy a house.  For individuals/families who save money, the interest in non-taxable.  No inheritance tax.  Saving is reinforced instead of borrowing.  All who are able pay their way.

The ideas are simple, but the transformation would be great.  It takes commitment--to each other and to our country.  It’s about forming bonds.  It’s about the Golden Rule.  It’s about responsibility.

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