Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spring is springing in Holland

We drove up to our condo in Holland, MI a week ago to enjoy winter.  I was looking forward to blinding, huge snows and crystal clear nights.  Upon arrival, in bitter cold, we were greeted with a winter wonderland.  There was snow everywhere, with only streets and parking lots open.  Only the downtown with its heated sidewalks was truly snow-free.  Our condo association even had to negotiate with a nearby company to accept loads of our snow to keep the parking area clear.  The snow had been pushed onto every grass surface and was higher than the gutters!  However, only a few days after we arrived, the melt started. 

Lake Mac's ice fishing days are over.  Our swans and eagles no longer visit the open water near our pier, as they have the entire lake to enjoy.  Today this sun is dancing on the water, newly free of ice, shimmering in joy.  The perennials are revealed and full of new green growth, and the rhododendrons' leaves are splayed to soak up the sun, buds swollen, holding the gift of spring.  The father house finch perched on our balcony railing with nest-building material in his beak.

Isn't this so like God?  We expect and look forward to one thing, but She blesses us with something even greater!

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