Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Summer to fall

About two weeks ago we experienced the first taste of fall in the air, and over the weekend I noticed a tree was donning its colorful finery.  Labor Day is but a week away, not the fall solstice, but for most of us, it signals the start of autumn, and in Michigan, the return of children to school.  Yes, summer is on the wane, but not yet passed.

Flowers, blueberries, apples, pears, peaches, peppers, bi-color corn, watermelon, and musk melon are in abundance at the farmers’ market.  The array of colors, shapes, smells, tastes, and textures drenches the senses.  We’re awakened with blue skies full of sun and the promise of warm days that draw us to the lake.

I am reminded to soak up these days, to be present for what each offers, to remember the joy and freedom summer days brought me as a child.  I’m going to give myself permission to be idle, so I can find recognizable shapes in the clouds and listen to the lap of water.  I will let refreshment wash over me and strengthen me for what is to come.

For everything there is a season…
    (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

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