Friday, July 6, 2012

Excessive Heat Warning

A few days ago, Bob said, "It's amazing how the birds are chirping and singing in the mornings.  I'm surprised with this heat."  I replied, "They're sending out the excessive heat warning."

The only thing worse than a mild winter with no snow is a summer with 90-plus-degree temperatures, especially in June and July.  This smothering abomination has struck much of the United States, and we can't seem to get away from it.  Today it's 100-degrees with a 72-degree dew point in Michigan, and Amy and Bob have taken the boat out to the "big water" for some swimming.  I couldn't bear the thought of leaving the air conditioning and have caught up on a week's worth of e-mails.  I really can't tolerate heat, and it plays havoc with my usual charming personality.

When I was in my teens, we didn't yet have central air conditioning in our house.  Because of my scoliosis, I wore a back brace made of steel and leather.  Not only was it unsightly and uncomfortable, it was hot.  Blessedly, my Uncle Eugene came to my rescue with the gift of a huge, used, room air conditioner.  (This was one of the greatest kindnesses that has ever been done to me.)  My parents had it installed in our den (the precursor to today's family room but on a much smaller scale), and the coolness bathed us while we watched TV.  It also wafted into our bedrooms and made sleeping bearable.

However, the steel and leather made me never like hot weather again.  Witnessing the brown dormant grass and the struggling annuals in the garden just reinforces this feeling.  Please send cooling rains our way...and send them soon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Never knew you had scoliosis and had to wear a brace. How horrendous in terms of it being hot and not comfy.

    I was just berating my mother a couple of days ago because my parents put in central air sometime after I left home. Imagine living through this current stir-fry without a/c. Love the phrase "smothering abomination". That's exactly what this is. You do have a wonderful way with words.

    Praying that the weather people are right and that we are going to get thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow, but I will take this over lower than 32 degree weather almost any day.
