Saturday, September 15, 2012

An Autumn Weekend

Calling all former Boy Scouts!  You won’t want to miss Wes Anderson’s latest movie, Moonrise Kingdom.  Set in 1965, we’re drawn into a story of young love between an orphaned Boy Scout and a bookish girl.  The star-studded cast includes Bill Murray and Frances McDormand as the attorney parents of the girl, Edward Norton as the Boy Scout camp leader, and Bruce Willis as the sheriff who becomes involved when the young pair meet and begin their adventure.  It’s delightfully entertaining - Roger Ebert awarded it 3 and one-half stars.  It was a perfect Friday night date movie and lead in to the weekend.

These fall weekends are my favorite, filled with moderate temperatures, cool winds, and the passes, runs, blocks, tackles, kicks, and scores of football.  Saturday’s college games are my favorite, but I enjoy Sunday’s pro games, too.  Any good game will do.  Sadly, my love of football isn’t shared by the other half of the management, so I tend to watch alone most times and am even sometimes pressured to participate in some other activity, rarely willingly.

This love of the game comes from my dad, who began taking me to the University of Illinois football games when I was ten.  We always walked from home to the stadium, quickly.  I tried to take my longest strides to keep up with him.  We’d weave through the crowds and arrive in time to watch both teams warm up.  I don’t remember ever being bored, and I’m sure that was because he taught me about the game so that I could focus my watching.  I became a rabid fan, more than enthusiastic and bordering on the fanatical.  I yelled and cheered too loudly long after it was age-appropriate.  As was his nature, my dad was quiet most of the time except when caught up in some excitement.  All of these memories well up inside me as I watch the first kick-off of the day.

Ah, these autumn days.  Precious indeed.  

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