Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Poisonous Apple Continues

I was in the room with Bob for his second and last dose of melphalan at 10:00 a.m.. It is very odd to think about Bob willingly taking this chemotherapy drug that will essentially kill him if his transplant does not rescue him. And, its side effects are most often quite harsh. What a thing to keep waiting for - vomiting, hair loss, mouth sores, diarrhea, fatigue. I know Bob has thought (and keeps thinking about) all of it. However, what we try to picture is those Keebler elves with machetes and karate punches knocking out and killing all those last remnants of cancer. Bob will be taken to the brink and then rescued. Yes, that is what will happen.

Bob is in better humor here in the hospital than he was at home. I'm pretty sure that even though he's not in control, at least he's in his element, a medical environment. And, he's having a wonderful time telling stories to everyone and eliciting theirs. I know you can picture him holding court, enjoying each interaction.

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